I need to know the answer to this question. Because I've recently started a month long session of the 5 day a week, 8 hour a day type of schooling. Which means I spend 40 hours a week with my class. This ain't no J-School class. There are no balanced, informed political debates. In our "Politics for Nursing" class someone asked what a premier is. Not WHO the premier is, that's kind of understandable, names are easy to forget. WHAT the premier is. Yesterday our class on liver failure began with the world's dumbest girl talking for 10 minutes about how she'd gone to a question forum with the candidates for our riding and no one should vote for the liberals because he was rude with the other candidates. Not that the liberals plan on cutting health care (sort of a nursing concern) or that the NDP is the only party that really has anything to say about retaining nurses. Just cause he's a big meany pants.
I was almost able to handle it when it was 2 days a week. I went to school, sat in awe at the things people said, came home, blogged about it and then went about my life for 5 glorious days, until I had to do it all over again. Now I don't get that kind of reprieve. And people seem to be taking this opportunity to really show what they've got. There's one girl that talks an average of once every minute and a half. I counted. Not asking questions or participating in a discussion. Just putting up her hand, interrupting the instructors and stating her opinion on everything from conflict resolution methods to abruptio placenta.
There is also the instructor. Or, to be fair, one of the three instructors. Two of them are great and have been my favorites since the first time they taught me. But one of them.....I don't have words. So, instead of a description, I will just post the tally we've been keeping in class:
Personal Stories Told That In No Way Connect to Class : 42
Declarations of Personal Greatness: 27
Excuses For Not Doing Her Job: 17
Mocking Students: 34
Sounds Effects Reminiscent of Epileptic Seizures: 12
Technological Failures: 8
That's in 4 hours, we didn't start keeping a tally until halfway through the last day. That's an average of one inane personal story every 6 minutes. It's fun. I know all about her car, her dog, her husband and the time she went to Disneyland. What I don't know anything about is the stuff that's going to be on my insanely scary 9 hour long exam that determines whether or not I can actually BE a nurse. So that's good.
They make me insane. On reflection, I'm pretty sure I could pull a "not legally responsible" or "way too Eff-ing crazy, your Honor" if I strangled one of them. I'm just still not sure about the morality part of it.

I guess you can put an IV in without knowing what a premier is, but still, your stories make me afraid of the health care system.