But I love that you can go to the bar in costume and not only will people find it normal.....you actually get rewarded for it. Here's the story:
My friend B and I have a full blown obession centered around the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" and in particular Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney Stinson. I didn't have too many giggely girl crushes in high school, so I make up for it now by doodling "Lisa Patrick Harris" on my notebooks in leadership class. You can laugh but I know that someone who makes up a third of this blog's readership is a full blown Battlestar Galactica addict. I'm much cooler than that. But yes, focusing. Anyhow, we made t-shirts

You'll notice we didn't stop at t-shirts. We went a little crazy. And then we got a little drunk. It's been a long time since I've been drunk and I think my body is punishing me for Ottawa.....cause I am now officially the worlds cheapest drunk. Remember that mug of gin? That would now kill me. I was a little sloppy by the time we left home and I guess I went about being super friendly at the bar. I explained our shirts to eeeeeveryone. I remember trying to talk the coat check girl into checking two coats for the price of one. Trying to convince the bouncer that he, too, should become a HIMYM addict. Shaking off some old guy who claimed to be 20, looked like he'd grown up with a vice clamped around his forhead and kept trying to hold my hand. And, of course, dancing like a flaming tard. B got in trouble for wearing sunglasses on the dance floor (who knew that was a rule), we played a supremely untalented game of pool and did some sort of shot that combined whisky and banana liquer. And then, in a ThePeach inspired moment my liver suddenly realized what it was being asked to process and demanded that it be taken home immediatly.
During the night I had sort of been operating under the impression that no one was really noticing our antics/costumes/stumbly drunkness because there were so many girls wearing napkins as dresses and grinding on the stage to look at instead. I guess not. After getting our coats, as we were about to walk out the door the coat check girl stopped us. We walked back over to the little coat window and she handed us a pink gift bag and said "I have to give this to someone. You guys are cool. So here you go."
I have now officially been given positive reinforcement for going to the bar dressed like a bag lady from the eighties. This positive reinforcement comes in the the form of:
-two sets of dirty dice
-two spin the bottle buttons
-a chocolate heart
-a teddy bear that I have now given to my roomates dog
-about 20,000 sickly pink suckers and
-a bag of heart gem stickers
In retrospect it might not have been all that amazing. But, being slightly tipsy, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I proceeded to drunk dial everyone who's numbers I could dial by memory and leave rambling voicemails about how stellarly cool B and I were. The taxi driver just kept shaking his head and I think he was laughing at me, cause at one point all I could see was his turban shaking in that distinctive way everyone shakes when they are trying very hard not to laugh at idiots. After that point the night is a blur of leftover sushi, chocolate and staring dumbly at episodes of Friends.
But hey, this is why I (sometimes) love Kamloops. Sometimes, for no reason except a crazy t-shirt, you become the coolest kid at the bar.
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